Monday, May 21, 2012

Thrift Share Monday

Wow, did anyone see the eclipse yesterday? Here in Arizona we had a pretty good view and in Phoenix we were on the edge of the best viewing with 83% coverage of the sun. I was able to get a little thrifting in the last week and a half since my last post. I will share my finds here in a little bit which brings me to the title of my post.  There are a couple other blogs that feature a "Thrift Share Monday" where you can link back to your blog and post your finds as well as view and read about other bloggers great finds as well. I have learned so much from other bloggers by reading their posts not only on "Sharing Days" but just any post they write. I would have never known that vintage Polaroid Camera's(bought for $2.99 sold for $80) were so hot or that Starbuck's and Far Side Mugs(bought for $0.69 and sold for $16.50) go for big bucks online! Thank you again to my fellow bloggers out there and I hope I can share some knowledge too here along the way. Whether it is about what sells, what doesn't, how I decorate or use vintage items.

On my last post, I spoke about wanting to get a chest, armoire or bookcase and repurpose it to hold items, supplies and such. So every time I have gone out I have searched for some furniture piece that could use. I looked at Goodwill, garage sales and hit up a few Estate Sales....alas no furniture but find some lovely pieces that I will share below. Disappointed I even started looking online to see if I could find a new but deeply discounted piece that would work. Then it hit me! Repurpose! I have an armoire in my bedroom that houses some clothes but use to house a TV that we have since given away. I still had the shelves that we had taken out and stored long ago. I marched out to the garage got the shelves, cleaned them off and put them pack into the armoire and instantly had additional shelf room! Now, if only I could sell more items so I can pick more items and fill up the space. LOL

Today I hope I can link to the other blogs such as Apron Thrift Girl and participate in sharing to gain some additional exposure and maybe even make a sale. This past week and a half some of my best finds were at an estate sale:
Never Used Holly Hobbie Child's Gift Set from 1973
I purchased this Holly Hobbie Child's Place Setting at an Estate Sale still in it's original box from 1973. Oh, if I still had my Holly Hobbie Lunch Box and Thermos. I couldn't resist as it brought me back to my childhood. The plate reads "To Have a Friend...Be A Friend", how true!
Set of Four Vitrosax Metal & Glass Cappochino Cups from Italy

My next find was from the Goodwill and I still need to clean and take the sticker off are a Set of Four Vitrosax Cappacino metal and glass cups from Italy. The lines are gorgeous and classic I just couldn't pass them up.

My last find was a leather bound The Gourmet Cookbook from 1956. They just don't make cookbooks like this anymore. I have a more recent addition of The Gourmet cookbook and definitely isn't leather bound.

Look at those desserts! I hope to have these find either up on eBay or my booths on Bonanza soon. Feel free to email me in the mean time if you would like to see additional pics or have questions.

Have a great day and happy hunting,

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