So what have I been up to besides kids, school, home, brownie leader and such. Well, I still have both my booths on Bonanza but haven't added much in terms of items. Have sold some things but those are few and far between despite paying to have someone tweet for me(thanks MysticSales you did an awesome job) and participating in the forums. I realize that I need to list more there and really participate more such as making those picture groupings(forgot what they are called but like Pinterest) and advertising on forums. I love the friendly and helpful people on Bonanza but the marketing/time aspect seemed enormous compared to the amount of traffic I was receiving despite my best efforts. Hopefully, writing this blog and including pictures of items, maybe working on doing some Pinterest and linking with other blogs who share my love of thrifting and decorating with vintage items will help. I've also been selling on eBay again and doing OK. I do not have a store there so I have just been using the list 50 free auction items with Buy It Now option. It works, don't like the fees but I seem to have a little more interest and some more sales for now. I have been reading lots of blogs about others who thrift/yard sale/garage sale and sell somewhere as well as those who decorate using those items. Lots of nice tips, success stories to keep me motivated and inspiration. I CAN DO THIS, I JUST HAVE TO PUT THE TIME INTO IT! Why, because I love it?! I love the hunt and finding the treasure, I love the satisfaction of a sale and making a profit, I love decorating with the pieces and helping someone find that jewel that will make their house a home. So here are some Jewels that I found that I either have for sale or have sold.
Vintage Oneida from 1932 Sold on eBay for $ 21.50 |
Vintage Avon Perfume Owl Sold on eBay for $ 3.24 |
Vintage Pewter Napkin Rings Sold on eBay for $ 11.50 |
Prada Wallet sold on Bonanza for $ 104 |
Polaroid 250 Land Camera currently up for bid on eBay |
Awesome Vintage Crescent Man. Silverplate Footed Bowl up for bid on eBay |
- Do you have a store on eBay and do you think it is worth it?
- Where do you sell? List them all and if there is one you like best. :)
- What marketing do you do?
Thank you so much and I promise to be back soon,
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