Maybe I should start with how my passion for thrifty shopping and decorating got started. I guess I would have to say my Mom, because she always loved a good sale and passed on to me her excitement and enthusiasm when she got a good deal on an item. I love it when I get something at a great price whether it is clothes, shoes or something for my home. I love looking at clearance aisles/racks, I love shopping at TJ Maxx, Ross, Nordstrom's Last Chance and Nordstrom's Rack, Homegoods, Tuesday Morning and any store that is having a great sale. I love getting a high-end items like a great pair of Seven for all Mankind jeans or Waterford crystal at 50% off or more. It gives me a rush! Why pay retail? Why waste the money when I am sure I can find it cheaper at another store or online? It is challenge and I love that challenge. I also love high-end items like Louis Vuitton, 1000 thread count sheets, Prada and will pay retail for a special occasion or if I absolutely can't live without it....but I'd rather find it at a discount. Usually though if it is not on sale I do not buy it because I know that it eventually will be on sale, or a clearance rack or end up on eBay or Overstock. I've always loved doing my own decorating in my homes and finding that special piece or painting an accent wall and I am forever reading decorating magazines. Now for me finding the value in vintage. That probably started when my son was first born and I was at home watching tv while taking care of him. I was either watching HGTV or BBC America and this fantastic shows Cash in the Attic or this other show, can't remember the name, where they challenge people to find what they think is a great item at a flea market, boot sale(that's UK speak for garage sale, or estate sale and then turn around and sell it an auction for most profit. I thought wow, wouldn't it be wonderful to do that and make some money but never really had time when my kids were little to do it. I would see on these BBC shows these wonderful ceramic figures, beautiful china, tarnished but extraordinary silver pieces that were maybe stored away or in the attic maybe passed down through the family but not used or displayed and then they would find out the value and sell them. Sometimes, after some thought, the owner couldn't part with the items. I feel the same way about some items that we inherited from my grandparents....beautiful but old china, a vintage wine decanter and glasses many of which I do display and use proudly. They have meaning and history and to use or display them makes me feel good. All these wonderful pieces of history, patterns of china that are no longer made, silver trays, fine porcelain that is no longer made or not made as well as it use to be. It fascinates me that that some of these items go unused, unloved and out to trash or to Goodwill or other thrift shops. Thank I can purchase them. New things are great but sometimes something old just brings an extra something, an undeniable quality to your home that just cannot be reproduced.
So I guess that is were my hobbies come together: shopping, decorating, antique vintage items, love of history/researching and the art of finding a good deal. I just wanted a place to share my fantastic finds some for personal use and some for sale, decorating ideas and just life in general. I feel very blessed to have a great husband who supports my passion and gives me the time to now indulge in the hobbies I love. I'm sorry this is so long, but thank you for reading.
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