Ready to decompress again and sleep in...I keep having to wake my daughter up to get them ready for camp and she is totally like me and loves her sleep. Tomorrow is the last day until August that I have them signed up, so I think the kids are ready for some TV, Computer and sleeping time. Mommy sure is!
So other then the Goodwill trip with my Mom into the Fountain Hills Goodwill that I blogged about I haven't had any chance to check out estate, garage or thrift store trips. But I know I really want to add some red/pink English transfer plates to our kithchen table area.
I have been cleaning and organizing the kids playroom/closet area! Fun, fun but if they were there half the items that I threw out would have been saved. So at least I was able to get ride of some trash and tiny little b-day favors and mcdonalds junk.
Hopefully, next week I have a wonderful neighbor babysitter who is young and trying to earn some money during the summer. I can use her to watch the kids during Friday so I can hit some sales.
Right now I'm with out my MacBook so I cannot list of feeBay or Bonanzle...but at least I still have access to emails and websites. Miss you baby, come back to Mommy soon! So unfortunately I have lots of items to list but need my baby to post photos and info so it is all in one place. I promise to list more treasures soon. Right now I do have items for my kid's school Tesseract which is a non-profit school here in Phoenix listed on eBay. Please bid, it all goes to current and future students scholarships and financial aid.
Thank you,
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