Monday, July 30, 2012

Thrift Share Monday

I listed a lot of items this week, mostly on eBay but didn't get much in terms of sales yesterday when most of my listings were ending. Sigh. Maybe due to the Olympics being on? I think I may move the listings to my new Etsy store. With the manic listing I didn't make it to any sales or thrift stores, so I thought I would share some of my "Jenn's Jewels" that I have not shared before and are still available or now decorate my home.

This is probably my favorite of all time, had it listed on Bonanza but I just can't part with it. It now graces my kitchen counter on a beautiful iron display easel. It is from 1929 and of course it is from England...Copeland Spode. The colors are amazing and while I have seen similar patterns from Copeland Spode they are usually in monotone color of red or brown. I love the pie crust edge and the extra raised dark red ridge you see that circles the scene.

I love this little jar from Lefton, probably from some time in the 60's. It is sort of a mustardy green color featuring Pears 'N Apples(the name of the pattern) in golden hues of yellow and red. I have this listed on Bonanza but I am moving it over to Etsy.

Classic and elegant Noritake Guilford pattern cups and saucers. The pattern was produced from 1952 until 1974. I love the simple lines and the glint of gold against the crisp white which would work for both traditional and modern tastes. Probably moving these from Bonanza to Etsy.

Hope everyone has a great week and I can't wait to see everyone's Thrift Shares this week. Linking to Apron Thrift Girl and Her Library Adventures.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 has been over a month since I updated this blog. I have a long list of excuses including getting ready for vacation, being on vacation, cleaning, kids summer camp, etc, etc, etc. I have only been to the thrift store a couple of times but no new buys. The reality is I know I should just list, list and then list some more.

On that note I have been toying with moving away from Bonanza for my Jenn's Jewels booth which is my store for vintage and antique collectibles, silverware, china, pottery and home decor.  Let me first say I love the community at Bonanza, it's free to list, and I think the site is easy to use. I do not think I will pull everything but I have been slowly transferring some listings to eBay and I just signed up for Etsy. It's summer and sales are slow everywhere including eBay but despite my best intentions of upping my listings, participating in the forums, making hand picked lists, sending my business cards in every order no matter where it came from and even paying someone to tweet my items for over a month my booth views and items views are down. I will say that I have gotten more sales in my Jenn's Closet booth which has clothes, books, dvd, toys and non-vintage items. Is that due to what seems to be Bonanza's focus on fashion? Perhaps. But again, even in this booth sales are scarce. I wish Bonanza had done some basic advertising at least to get the name out, especially when they changed the name from Bonanzle to Bonanza. It has been a struggle to get the name out there and I know there are so many Bonanza merchants who do really well sales wise and have shouted from the top of mountain to get the name out. Thank you so much for all you do. And I know I could do a better job advertising my booths. Sigh. I was reading on the AuctionBytes website that Etsy's sales were up from last year and then I also saw I think on another web site where they were comparing the traffic that Ebay, Etsy, Bonanza, Amazon, Ruby Lane and other sites get. Sort of like golf, the lower your rank the more traffic you are getting and guess who is #1....Google. Etsy's rank is 177 which is fantastic, Amazon is 14 and Bonanza is 5,554. Not good. So I guess in short I am going to keep my booths but I'll probably spend more time getting my items listed on eBay and Etsy.

So please stop by and say hi if your on Etsy and you can check out my auctions under my member id on eBay jjhannum. Also I would love to hear from you, please feel free to give me feedback or advice. Where do you sell and how do you feel it's going on your selling sites.

Have a good day,